What is Hido Iyo Dhaqan?

What is Hido Iyo Dhaqan?

What is Hido Iyo Dhaqan? To this day, I really can't define the phrase, “Hido iyo Dhaqan”. Quite frankly, I’m not sure what "Hido" means, but I do know that “Dhaqan” means “Culture”, while “iyo” is simply “and”. However, to me, it's always meant Tradition and Culture. Nevertheless, over the years I've also come across an old traditional wear also known as Hido Iyo Dhaqan

This unique patterned fabric has been worn for many years going back decades, capturing the beauty of east Africa. To keep this traditional wear alive for more generations, we've now seen this unique fabric used in Somali weddings. where it's being infused into this modern culture.

This fabric of hido Iyo dhaqan allows you to infuse and integrate modern modest Somali fashion with the aesthetic and cultural needs on a wedding dress. 

The hido Iyo dhaqan set is two pieces: Guntiino (Dress) or (fabric) and Garbarsaar (Shawl). Traditionally this fabric comes off the shoulder and is wrapped around the body and is predominantly worn by women the shawl is either placed on the other shoulder or sometimes worn as a head scarf. It's also worn with matching beads. you would think this traditional wear has one colour, but that's not the case. this fabric has a variety of colours which you can find here at indhouroon. the same goes for the beads worn with hido Iyo dhaqan.   


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